Prevent Condensation Between Window Panes

Aug 2 2019 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

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Prevent Condensation Between Window Panes

Knowing some tips on how to prevent condensation between window panes from happening can help protect your windows and your home in the long run. If you are not careful, excess window condensation has the potential to cause damage to your home.

What Causes Condensation on Windows?

Ultimately, there should be no condensation between double-pained windows. A seal is used to trap dense gas (typically argon and krypton gases) between the two panes of glass, which works to keep warm and cold air from passing through. Condensation will occur when the seal between the panes is broken. It only takes a breach the size of a pinhole for a window’s seal to become ineffective.

There are a few reasons why the seal between your window panes might have broken. Insulated glass windows are well known for their ability to hold up under a lot of strain, but they will always fall prey to age. The longer you’ve had your double-paned windows installed, the more likely the seal will deteriorate. Another contributor includes prolonged direct sun exposure, which causes the glass panes to expand and contract, eventually weakening the connection the glass and the seal. Other aspects of a window’s faulty design including improper drainage, water retention in the frame and saturation of the desiccant will all contribute to the seal’s degradation.

Usually, condensation on your windows is a symptom of a greater humidity problem in your home. Luckily, there are easy ways to combat the excess humidity.

Prevent condensation between window panes

How to Prevent It

Oftentimes, condesation in double-paned windows is a sign to get replacement windows. However, if you are unable to do so right away, we have outlined our best tips to prevent condensation between window panes.

  • Increase Indoor Air Circulation: Increasing your indoor air circulation is one way to prevent condensation between window panes. Use ceiling fans throughout the entire year, even in winter. By having them rotate in a clockwise direction, the warm air the accumulates on the ceiling will be pushed back down to the floor.
  • Turn On Fans: Every time you take a shower or cook a meal, turn on your bathroom or kitchen fan. Keeping them on for at least 15 to 20 minutes will help to prevent excess moisture from building up.
  • Keep Vents Clean & Unblocked: Make sure you avoiding putting any furniture directly in front or on top of any vents in your home. Doing so will prevent air from distributing effectively. This also includes cleaning any dust off your vents or return grill. Unclean air will reduce airflow in your home.
  • Use a Dehumidifier: If there is an excessive humidity problem in your home try using a dehumidifier. These handy machines take in air and sucks out the moisture before releasing it back into your home. It can be a simple solution to help prevent condensation between window panes.
  • Keep Your Windows Open: If the weather permits it, another easy solution to prevent condensation between window panes is to open the windows. This will release the warm, moist air that’s been trapped inside the house and causing the condensation in the first place.

These are all temporary solutions to prevent condensation between window panes from occurring. Double-paned windows have moisture when their seal breaks, which can only be fixed with help from a professional or by installing replacement windows. Ontario Window Reviews offers a list of window service specialists who can help you with your broken double-paned windows today!

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