
Double vs Triple Pane Windows: How to Choose

Jun 12 2024 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Double vs triple pane windows—which one is better? The double pane vs triple pane windows debate has been around for a while. Some homeowners say double pane windows...

A Guide to Choosing Eco-Friendly Windows

Sep 20 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Every step we take to be more eco-friendly causes a ripple effect that does wonders in the process of healing Mother Nature. So, whether we ban the use...

The Benefits of Installing Fixed Windows

Aug 18 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Fixed windows were among the first-ever glass windows to be invented. They were made in ancient Rome and did not have the sophisticated hardware of modern and more...

How to Read a Window Label

Jul 20 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Aside from aesthetics and ease of use, durability and energy efficiency are important factors to consider when getting replacement windows. Luckily, all of the information you need is...

6 Warranty Questions to Ask Your Replacement Window Installer

Jun 15 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

You’ve finally found the perfect replacement windows—but are you fully aware of the warranty scope? The answers you get to key warranty questions will show you how much...

The Ultimate Guide to Window Security Films

May 11 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Window security film, also known as security window film, is a sheet made up of layers of polyester that are bound together by adhesives. These types of films...

7 Benefits of Smart Glass Technology

Apr 13 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Ever wished you could adjust your window’s opacity with just a flick of a switch? You could go from clear to dim to opaque windows without needing any...

7 Benefits of Custom Windows For Your Home

Mar 23 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Essentially, custom windows are those manufactured specifically for your needs. This could mean that the window has a custom size, shape, or both. In some cases, window manufacturers...

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Glass and its Applications

Feb 23 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Safety glass is a term for modern sheets of glass that are designed to lessen the likelihood of injuries if the glass breaks. This is the minimum requirement...

Should You Replace Your Windows Before Selling Your House?

Jan 19 2022 Posted By Ontario Window Reviews

Whether you are thinking of moving to a bigger house, downsizing, or moving to another location, selling your current house might be a milestone you’re looking to accomplish...